Delray Dunes Boynton Beach 5 Homes for Sale | Echo Fine Properties Artboard 1? alert-icon? Artboard 1? ? ? delete-icon? edit-icon? email-icon hide-hover-icon? Artboard 1? login-icon-white Artboard 1? next-icon-left next-icon-right-left next-icon-left-ochre next-icon next-icon-right-grey next-icon-right-ochre plus-with-circle-iconP search-fw-icon? search-icon-ochre search-icon-white

Delray Dunes

A subdivision of Boynton Beach.

Total Homes : 157

Percentage Available: 0.6 %

Gated : Yes

Club Membership : Yes

No-Fee Community : No

Delray Dunes, Boynton Beach, FL Homes for Sale

11932 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes First Sec $3,100,000 4 3/1 $782 -
12010 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes $2,375,000 4 4 $670 -
11740 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes First Sec $1,450,000 3 2/1 $408 -
11760 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes $1,165,000 3 2 $484 -
11944 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes First Sec $1,700,000 3 2/1 $589 -
11976 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes First Sec $1,399,000 3 3 $498 -
11939 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes $1,350,000 3 2/1 $428 -
11998 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes $1,260,000 4 4 $462 -
11839 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes $1,250,000 3 2/1 $447 -
11955 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes $1,150,000 3 2/1 $383 -
11859 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes First Sec $930,000 3 3 $465 -
11609 N Lake Drive #14 | Delray Dunes Garden Villa $949,000 3 2/1 $444 -
8 Acacia Drive | Delray Dunes $899,000 3 2 $370 -
12 Holly Drive | Delray Dunes $875,000 3 2 $400 -
11783 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes $825,000 3 3 $312 -
15 Acacia Drive | Delray Dunes Acacia Villa $850,000 3 2 $356 -
10 Slash Pine Drive | Delray Dunes $850,000 3 2 $431 -
11597 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes Garden Villa $950,000 3 3 $341 -
11 Fairway Drive | Delray Dunes $775,000 2 2/1 $390 -
11583 N Lake Drive #1 | Delray Dunes $799,000 3 2 $326 -
9 Fairway Drive | Delray Dunes $850,000 3 2 $361 -
13 Holly Drive | Delray Dunes $740,000 3 2 $355 -
11591 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes $772,500 3 2 $352 -
19 Holly Drive | Delray Dunes $745,000 3 2 $334 -
7 Fairway Drive | Delray Dunes Fairway Vill $715,000 2 2 $296 -
1 Holly Drive | Delray Dunes $700,000 3 2 $273 -
11601 N Lake Drive #Villa 10 | Delray Dunes Garden Villa $625,000 3 2 $354 -
12 Slash Pine Drive | Delray Dunes $699,000 2 2 $320 -
3 Acacia Drive | Delray Dunes $685,000 3 2 $358 -
4 Fairway Drive | Delray Dunes $695,000 2 2 $278 -
10 Fairway Drive | Delray Dunes $675,000 3 2 $280 -
1 Fairway Drive | Delray Dunes $577,500 3 2 $276 -
5 Slash Pine Drive | Delray Dunes $550,000 2 2 $327 -
14 Slash Pine Drive | Delray Dunes $550,000 2 2 $314 -
11 Slash Pine Drive | Delray Dunes $515,000 3 2 $252 -
11605 N Lake Drive #12 | Delray Dunes Garden Villa $499,000 2 2 $253 -
4 Slash Pine Drive | Delray Dunes $425,000 2 2 $233 -

11944 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,461sqft, $805/sqft

11951 Date Palm Drive | Delray Dunes


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,365sqft, $634/sqft

11743 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes First Sec


3 beds, 4 baths, 2,774sqft, $541/sqft

11601 N Lake Drive #10 Garden | Delray Dunes


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,360sqft, $424/sqft

1 Acacia Drive | Delray Dunes


2 beds, 2 baths, 2,312sqft, $311/sqft

11944 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,461sqft, $805/sqft

11951 Date Palm Drive | Delray Dunes


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,365sqft, $634/sqft

11743 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes First Sec


3 beds, 4 baths, 2,774sqft, $541/sqft

11601 N Lake Drive #10 Garden | Delray Dunes


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,360sqft, $424/sqft

1 Acacia Drive | Delray Dunes


2 beds, 2 baths, 2,312sqft, $311/sqft

11932 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes First Sec


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,969sqft, $782/sqft

12010 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes


4 beds, 4 baths, 3,886sqft, $670/sqft

11740 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes First Sec


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 3,558sqft, $408/sqft

11760 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,999sqft, $484/sqft

11944 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes First Sec


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,461sqft, $589/sqft

11976 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes First Sec


3 beds, 3 baths, 2,811sqft, $498/sqft

11939 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 3,156sqft, $428/sqft

11998 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes


4 beds, 4 baths, 2,814sqft, $462/sqft

11839 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,887sqft, $447/sqft

11955 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 3,133sqft, $383/sqft

11859 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes First Sec


3 beds, 3 baths, 2,144sqft, $465/sqft

11609 N Lake Drive #14 | Delray Dunes Garden Villa


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,142sqft, $444/sqft

8 Acacia Drive | Delray Dunes


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,435sqft, $370/sqft

12 Holly Drive | Delray Dunes


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,248sqft, $400/sqft

11783 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes


3 beds, 3 baths, 2,875sqft, $312/sqft

15 Acacia Drive | Delray Dunes Acacia Villa


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,460sqft, $356/sqft

10 Slash Pine Drive | Delray Dunes


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,975sqft, $431/sqft

11597 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes Garden Villa


3 beds, 3 baths, 2,465sqft, $341/sqft

11 Fairway Drive | Delray Dunes


2 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,053sqft, $390/sqft

11583 N Lake Drive #1 | Delray Dunes


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,458sqft, $326/sqft

9 Fairway Drive | Delray Dunes


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,219sqft, $361/sqft

13 Holly Drive | Delray Dunes


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,254sqft, $355/sqft

11591 N Lake Drive | Delray Dunes


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,231sqft, $352/sqft

19 Holly Drive | Delray Dunes


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,248sqft, $334/sqft

7 Fairway Drive | Delray Dunes Fairway Vill


2 beds, 2 baths, 2,502sqft, $296/sqft

1 Holly Drive | Delray Dunes


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,566sqft, $273/sqft

11601 N Lake Drive #Villa 10 | Delray Dunes Garden Villa


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,975sqft, $354/sqft

12 Slash Pine Drive | Delray Dunes


2 beds, 2 baths, 2,189sqft, $320/sqft

3 Acacia Drive | Delray Dunes


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,956sqft, $358/sqft

4 Fairway Drive | Delray Dunes


2 beds, 2 baths, 2,502sqft, $278/sqft

10 Fairway Drive | Delray Dunes


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,419sqft, $280/sqft

1 Fairway Drive | Delray Dunes


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,287sqft, $276/sqft

5 Slash Pine Drive | Delray Dunes


2 beds, 2 baths, 1,833sqft, $327/sqft

14 Slash Pine Drive | Delray Dunes


2 beds, 2 baths, 1,833sqft, $314/sqft

11 Slash Pine Drive | Delray Dunes


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,139sqft, $252/sqft

11605 N Lake Drive #12 | Delray Dunes Garden Villa


2 beds, 2 baths, 1,975sqft, $253/sqft

4 Slash Pine Drive | Delray Dunes


2 beds, 2 baths, 1,929sqft, $233/sqft

Delray Dunes Map

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Delray Dunes is a small community located in one of the greenest areas of Boynton Beach. The homes consist of large modern single-family homes, perfect for entertaining and relaxing with the family. The open plan living, dining and kitchen areas create a seamless flow through. Outside you have beautifully maintained yards and gardens and views of the manicured Delray Dunes Golf Course and private lakes.

At the center of Delray Dunes is a large community swimming pool and clubhouse. Within the larger community you have access to a bike/jog path, golf course, tennis courts and exercise room. There is also an onsite manager for your convenience and safety.

Venture only 15 minutes from Delray Dunes and you will find the Boynton Beach Mall and Town Center, there is a plethora of great shops, banks, a cinema and fantastic eateries for an easy day/night out.

Or if you feel like a day of adventure, Boynton Harbor Marina and the Oceanfront Beach Park are less than six-miles away. There you can book a scuba dive in the crystal-clear waters of the Gulf Stream and see schools of tropical fish, eels weaving along the long reefs and shipwrecks, sharks, sea turtles and other creatures of the deep. Then relax with meal at one of the scenic waterfront restaurants.

Day trips to neighboring cities like the beautiful Palm Springs (12 miles away) and Boca Raton (25-minute drive away) are stress free as the I-95 and the S Military Trail are just minutes away.

Other neighborhoods located amongst the tropical greenery of Boynton Beach are Bermuda Isles of Aberdeen Golf & Country Club and Cypress Creek.

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Jeff Lichtenstein's Echo Fine Properties


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O 561-500-3246

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